Adam Grant is a wildly popular professor at Wharton, the business school. He is an organizational psychologist, interested in how people succeed in the workplace, and is the author of a recent book, Give and Take. I like it. I think you should read it. Now the first thing I should mention is that Adam […]
Posted by Dr.J on February 06, 2014 / 2 comments
Dr. Ed Diener and Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener offer the mental health community their FLOURISHING scale. It is a simple, eight item likkert-rating scale. There is no reversed-scored item in Ed’s work, and all thanks to him for that. The scale is completely available, thanks to Ed’s and Robert’s generosity. You are permitted to download it […]
Posted by Dr.J on February 05, 2014 / no comment
Automatic happiness? Sounds like a science fiction story about cheery robots. But that’s our topic for today. It turns out that online help automates mental health. How can that be bad? Well, only research can tell us how good or bad it is. The model is to offer self-help resources to people suffering from anxiety, […]
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