Here are a couple of handouts on this theme of developing love. Feel free to share them in any way you’d like.
I do appreciate it if my name and contact information are attached.


Developing Compassion


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4 Responses

  1. ilene
    | Reply

    Did you train with John Weakland in 1989, if so, I did too at MRI and I am thinking we might know each other.

    • Dr.J

      I did train at MRI but it was 1987, and then 88 – 89 I had phone supervision with John Weakland. He was an important person in my life, and I remember him with great fondness. I was also pretty good friends with one of his outstanding students, Steve deShazer and spent time at his place in Milwaukee.

      Thanks for the heads-up. It would be good to connect some time.

  2. Marshall Spradling
    | Reply

    Enjoyed your video on love

  3. Dan Heck
    | Reply

    I enjoyed your short video I connected to as a result of “listening in” on the pos psych RSS.
    Thanks for these sheets! I’m writing a short, introductory book on project management and personal leadership called PM OneWholeOne: Manage Projects, Lead People. This challenge to love and be professional is what I want to give to anyone at work.

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