Welcome to Dr. Lynn Johnson’s page for locals.
I am taking appointments again. If you live anywhere along the Wasatch Front, I might be a great resource for you.
Why “again?”
For ten years my main occupation was continuing education classes. That means I taught other therapists how to be better at what we do.
But the time has come to end all the travel. It was great. I love teaching. I am good at it. But I have visited every state (even Alaska and Hawaii!) and think it is time to cut back dramatically on travel. I want to get back to my own roots, being a full time therapist.
So I want to hear from you.
You want a therapist who has a great reputation and track record. You want a therapist who will listen very carefully to you and respond to your concerns. That is what you find when you come in to see me.
Have you been suffering from depression or anxiety? I offer feedback-informed therapy. I constantly track how people are progressing, using state-of-the-art outcome measures. I track your reactions simply because every session has good and bad qualities, and to be the most help to you, I have to know what is going right.
You aren’t required to take medication if you’d prefer to avoid that. I have developed some innovative ways to enhance therapy without medication, and you can benefit from that.
It is fine with me if you want to use medication. I am supportive of what helps you.
I am pro-marriage. If your relationship is in trouble, I have some good options for you.
If you call me: (801) 541-1420, we can make an appointment. I answer my own phone, and when I am busy I call you back the same day. Sometimes I can get back within the hour.
You can expect a warm, accepting, and understanding experience when you work with me.
Below: My two oldest boys and me after riding the White Rim Trail for three days. I am a successful father of four children and still married to their mother. (Many therapists have a hard time keeping their own marriage together. You can expect practical wisdom from working with me, wisdom gained from being good at the role of spouse and parent.)